
This challenge responds to the needs described below:

  • How could we improve data collection on the use of outdoor sports facilities?
  • How could we segment the information on use by profile, habits and time periods?
  • How could we visualise the data in a way that provides valuable information for municipal councils and decision-making?


The sports service of Bizkaia Provincial Council (hereinafter BPC), among its functions, provides advice services to municipal councils on practising sports, supporting the activation and funding of some of their facilities through programmes.

Currently, the advice is based on the experience and observation of BPC, as well as on contact with sports professionals and the use of sports habits surveys.
Actualmente, el asesoramiento se basa en la experiencia y observación de la DFB, así como en contactos con profesionales del deporte y el uso de encuestas de hábitos deportivos.

The use of technology can add value by making information available to municipal councils on the occupation and use of these outdoor sports facilities, with the aim of using it as a basis for promotion activities or the planning of services within the remit of municipal councils.

In particular, it is considered that it may be of value to have information on the use of their facilities for an increasingly popular sport: Pumptrack. There are currently several municipalities that already have these installations such as Etxebarri, Lemoa, Karrantza, Amorebieta, Bilbao, Portugalete or Atxondo, among others. Most of them are recent, therefore it is interesting to learn about their use and evolution.

Challenge Description (PDF)